The Unexpected Path

Day 147: May 27
In The Year of Living Honestly
In The Quarter of: Education
In The Month of: Celebration

The path that leads to the unknownThe unexpected path presents an opening to an unknown destination. It seems to arrive as a confluence that enriches our continuation or a crossroads for decision. When a new path appears in the design of a labyrinth, its typically a result of how it fits the purpose of the whole experience, yet sometimes it is the surprise formed when at least two other forces have convened. That extra magical experience is the universal expansion that is produced whenever two become one makes for a new mathematical equation that formulates as 1 + 1 = 3.The r

Whether it is in the creativity of a new design where an artistic stroke reveals a new path in the labyrinth or in the deeper convergences of life, unexpected paths appear to take us on grand adventures and the more we become honest with ourselves in seeing our own abilities activated.  Where a conditioned caution may prohibit what is natural in exploration and expansion, the infinite still calls in design, steps, education and enthusiasm to those curious enough to hear it and wise enough to follow.

Today’s journey was with expediency in mind though unpopulated and without GPS in the mountains, reliance on common sense and signs of nature for guidance made it truly the unexpected path. The journey on foot used all the natural signs for success and now the test was to use it on the drive home.  Realizing a sudden detour made it a much longer route with a lower level of fuel and only the sun to guide called for trust and faith.  The reach for using that larger capacity came into action and by recalling a quick glance of a map, it seemed curious that this path I was on might indeed be the road less traveled.  It also happened to be one I thought might be good to travel when there was more time to enjoy… and with a fuller fuel gauge.

Where the condition of the unknown might create a different drive, inner knowing and the gifts of nature that made themselves gloriously present drove curiosity over calamity. The scenery instilled pure knowing and faith.  When finally arriving back to home destination much later and on fumes, the realization of the gifts of the unexpected path provided much in expanding capacity for trust, faith, choice, enjoyment as well as a bounty of new discoveries to appreciation. It had made the overall experience one to celebrate.


On this 147th day…
Consider the unexpected paths that have appeared, the ones you have taken and what you realized in your walk today and in your larger walk of life, observe the unexpected paths that appear today too.


The Month of Celebration, Appreciation and Realization

May’s Focus: Celebration

Life is a celebration to explore in the next 31 days. With the idea of walking the labyrinth and its tri-focus on releasing, receiving and reflecting, let’s shift the perspective to one that walks in with appreciation, finds the honest realization from each day and walks out in celebration.  Observe what 31 days of this focus might reflect and how it elevates our life condition.

Four focus points to expand your celebration of this month’s experience:

  1. Share your ideas, in your personal experiences, how you share the labyrinth with others, art, design or method of construction or in other ways that it may be utilized. Let others know about this daily experience and opportunity by sharing it. Find us on this blog and on the Labyrinth Societies Facebook page
  2. Join our Mid Month Dialogues on May 15th at 2pm CST for a lively look at what you have created and will create in the idea of celebration. This month’s theme was a direct result of our last month’s Mid Month Dialogue!
  3. Participate in the daily opportunity of this educational focus of  your personal journey, how you lead, teach or share with others, and what you create for contribution or purpose with this theme.
  4. Remember that our theme is about finding our greater capacities, abilities and true realities in being honest with our potential. We focus on what we can do as it is inherently more useful and productive.
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