A Peaceful Practice

Labyrinth in Highland IL

Highland, IL Labyrinth

Walking a labyrinth is a peaceful practice to notice what is all around you. Describing the practice makes it more peaceful.

New Labyrinth Walker

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Transformative Anticipations

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Labyrinth

Chocolate Chip Labyrinth
by TheAmusedMuse.com


A day later and waiting for the oven to warm, the labyrinth continues to be discovered where ever one looks…

When it comes to describing the labyrinth, today, it would fall into the category of anticipatory. One never knows what can arrive as the walk begins, though, like these tasty treats awaiting their transformation, we are likely to walk away with a change in our perception.

How do you describe the labyrinth?

Lynda Tourloukis
365 Experience Coordinator



Walk The Walk 2020  •  January’s Focus:  Describe the Labyrinth, it’s different for everyone

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Defining while Designing

Chartres replica design at Glenridge Hall

Photo submitted by Tony Foresta

This labyrinth design is a replica of the Chartres cathedral with an expansive diameter of 43.5 feet. Its alignment runs in a True East designation. By setting a morning alarm before sunrise on the Summer Solstice and observing the ray inside the shadow of the morning light, the validation of the directional point verified the True East accuracy.

Privately built for an individual with Parkinson’s, he hoped to use it for healing and medicinal purposes.

From a building perspective, to describe a labyrinth might consider the exceptional accuracy of its geometry and the affiliation people have with its pattern. It is also a hopeful tool for those who want to help themselves. Though, overall, it’s about understanding each step of the journey.

Tony Foresta
Labyrinth Builder



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Two Years Day of 2020

Day 2 of 2020 a flour finger-walking experience is created.

The second day of the New Year pales in comparison to the first with all its fanfare. Its a more realistic and relaxed day to hopefully migrate into all the newness in simple steps. We didn’t make Christmas cookies this year, and with the arrival of my favorite and only son tomorrow, a quick batch of lovin from the oven seemed in order. Waiting for the temperature to rise, the extra flour and I had time to doodle. 

Describing the labyrinth is a focus for January in the Walk the Walk program this year, and it offers a thoughtful contemplation, as the labyrinth is often many things. Today this path of flour became a tool of efficiency. Made up of what was readily available, this finger-walking flour design offered ease of adaptation, the usefulness of time, and a little playful creativity. It also became a handy tool for developing patterns, as the moveability of the flour adds and subtracts the lines and structure quickly. 

On this Two-Year’s day, we get a description and a tip to understand this path of possibilities a little better.

Lynda Tourloukis
365 Experience Coordinator


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A New Day, Year, and Decade Begins

Grace of the Desert, Nevada

Blessings for the best of the New Day, Year, and Decade!

We arrive at a new beginning today, fresh with wonder and hopefulness. Some are eager to leave the past year behind and some are unsure of what more this direction will bring.  A labyrinth is a tool for a movement that helps us to move past where we are stuck or have plateaued and into something we may not have realized before. It is also a great example of beginnings and endings. Where one begins is also an ending. As a walk completes it is always returned to our old beginning. The liminal space between the two is where the magic of the labyrinth creates a new reality.

As we are looking for your descriptions of the labyrinth this month as part of how we walk the walk all year, the idea of the beginnings and endings may add something to your new beginning this year.  Two years ago this labyrinth served to produce a year of extraordinary insight, walking it this morning didn’t offer the quick insight of the past, yet ideas have been trickling out throughout the day as a result of the mornings walk in pleasant ways.

May your year be in step with your walk. #walkthewalk


The New Year’s Direction is called “Walk the Walk” and its objective is to connect the wisdom of the Labyrinth Society with more who want to know how and why it can be beneficial or insightful to walk the walk.

Monthly themes will help us to embrace the wisdom of the labyrinth and offer a way to give a little and take something away. January’s theme offers us the chance to share how we describe the labyrinth to ourselves and others. It can be different for everyone.

To put your best foot forward and get in step with this new direction, read more and dive into the legacy that is the labyrinth.


2020 Walk the Walk  •  Read the Daily Blog  •  Share Your Experiences
•  Monthly Themes •  Mid Month Dialogues  •
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December’s Walk

Image of people walking on the labyrinthIn the final month of this tumultuously changing year of 2019, we come to the final steps in the month of December. Learning more about the journey to the heart through the making of connections and building of communities in the variety that has been explored, the final focus is to contemplate the common ground.

What we walk upon in steps individually, can become the common ground underneath our feet and in our hearts. Discovering the journey to the heart in this month will be full of evidence from the ways it comes from our common threads.

Walk the weeks of December with these weekly suggestions to discover the nuances of common ground and its journey to your heart.

Use these suggestions to creatively enhance your experiences:

Week One: Consider the idea of what creates grounding and how experiences become better when we do.
How are we grounded by the labyrinth and how does it ground all who walk?

Offer the ways you ground, and what you suggest for others.

Week Two: How does the labyrinth become common ground during a walk? How does it become a place of unity for a community?

What do you add in your art, walks, programs, labyrinth designs to create common ground?

Week Three: What natural elements affect the point of coming to common ground with the labyrinth? How do individuals find a sense of natural or nature on the labyrinth? How does that create a journey to the heart? Why does it make a difference?

How do you encourage the natural elements to be a part of your personal or program experiences?

Week Four: When do you realize that a place of common ground has been reached? What do you do to honor this sacred space? In what ways does it offer a journey to the heart?

Tell us how you know that the journey to the heart has been reached. What do you do to honor this?


Thank you for taking the time to walk and express how the labyrinth makes a difference for yourself and others and how you make a difference with it. More will know and understand the subtleties of the labyrinth with the simple thoughts you add or the in-depth suggestions and instruction you provide. Walk each day or once a month. Whatever you December provides, find a sense of common ground and realize why it is significant to appreciating and understanding the labyrinth and a journey to the heart.

Questions, Comments, or Suggestions?
Lynda Tourloukis
365 Experience Coordinator


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November’s Walk

Girl Scout Labyrinth in Park Ridge

The Park Ridge Girl Scout Labyrinth

The month of giving and thanks arrive to herald our walks for November. Continuing with the Annual Gathering theme of taking a journey to the heart, the second focus of building community will provide a way to notice in the walks of November, all the ways that we create while we travel to our heart destination.

Bring in the heartfelt gratitude of this month as you step onto the path and in each week, take in what is built as a result of the many ways we use and apply the labyrinth in our lives.

Suggestions for the month are divided into four weekly considerations:

Week One: Walk to appreciate the many communities you belong to. How do you apply the labyrinth to interact with those communities?  Take note of the ways the labyrinth helps to make a change personally to connect more personably with others. Notice how it helps others to come together.

Tell us about those experiences and help more to understand the labyrinth

Week Two: Walk to become aware of the communities that surround you that aid and assist you or your family. We often don’t think of the communities we are unaware of that have an indirect impact on us. How does knowing about them build a larger sense of community for all? How does it become a heart journey?

Let us know about the community the labyrinth builds and help others to consider this too.

Week Three: Walk to recognize the global communities, their structure, and their purpose. How do they impact us personally, our families, friends, and local efforts? How do we affect the world with our offerings, walks, teachings, designs, expressions, and programs?

Help to build the communities with your insights, wisdom, and experiences with the labyrinth.

Week Four: Walk with the Labyrinth Society in mind. Consider the ways it builds community, how you add to it and what you are able to take away from being a part of it. What are you grateful for?

Generously provide us with your perspectives of this community and why its better with you in it.

Thank you for your helpful thoughts and wisdom. Each expression, sharting and experience helps to define and explain the labyrinth to the world. Your experiences this month can offer an overview of how the labyrinth builds community and what it needs from you to do so. The world is a bigger place when we realize how important are small efforts make a difference. The many ways you use, apply and create experiences with the labyrinth provide much in its definition to others.

May the building of community for you in the weeks of this month offer reflective realizations of how each creates a journey to the heart.

Questions, Comments, or Suggestions?
Lynda Tourloukis
365 Experience Coordinator

Categories: The Daily Experience | Tags: , , , , , , ,

October’s Walk

Fall Walk of the LabyrinthThe fall presents a reflection and a change of seasons into the final quarter of the year. It initiates the final steps of the last three months of the year and offers an opportunity to explore how we end things. This becomes an opportunity to observe the ways we meet any endings, hurried, anticipating, or even enthusiastic, they are our endings.

The Annual Gathering of the Labyrinth Society offers a final step of reflection to many who attend or participate from afar. Its theme offers us a way to explore a journey to the heart this year and apply it in perspective of our labyrinth walk. Traveling to a place of destination in the center, and again from our center to a new destination, we are always moving toward what our heart holds in value.

Of the three focus points of this year’s theme, the first is about making connections. Spend the days of October exploring the ways that you make a connection with the labyrinth and how it furthers all other connections. Walk once this month, or every day, the learning can grow in each step.

You may wish to break each week down with a suggestion to observe the following:

Week One: Walk to observe all of the ways you physically make a connection with the labyrinth.
Taking steps, drawing, teaching, sharing, designing, building, or artistic expression… what physically connects you? Consider the ways you physically use the labyrinth.

Share your experience and add to the Labyrinth Society’s archival wisdom.

Week Two: Walk and relate to the ways you use the labyrinth with others. What connections are made to the labyrinth and to others? Notice how your connection helps you to connect to your expression and how you convey the experience. How can that help another?

Add the wisdom of your experience to develop our 2020 Program.

Week Three: Walk to explore the ways you make a connection with beginnings and endings. Consider what others ask you about how to begin or end, realize the rituals that are important, and appreciate the wisdom of your patterns.

Contribute your insights to add to the walk and education of others.

Week Four: Walk to realize the ways that the labyrinth connects people, communities, and nature. Be an observer this week in the moment and of past reflections from the year. As you walk, recognize the many connections the labyrinth has provided in bringing people to peace, each other, nature, presence, or to a point of a solution.

Help the education of the labyrinth to grow with your insights.

May your walk of connection be contemplative and resourceful to realize the great variety of ways and walks any of us can create. Your contributive thoughts help others to know and grow with the labyrinth more insightfully. There are endless ways to discover, your thoughts are welcomed in building our 2020 year of walking.

As the month closes, consider the weeks of walking that offered a way to realize the variety of connections that end up becoming a journey of the heart.

Questions, Comments, or Suggestions?
Lynda Tourloukis
365 Experience Coordinator

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Me and My Shadow

Day 33

February 2, 2019
Month of Love
Quarter of Consciousness
Let’s Walk the World, a focus of contribution

  1. For Your Walk:
    Play with your shadow’s appearance, move it around the labyrinth as you enjoy your experience it today. Love how big you can make it and the variety of things you can do with it.
  2. For Your Experience: 
    Reflect on the effects of walking with your shadow… what do your steps create?
  3. Share:   Share your message
    When we collectively offer the ways to begin, someone sees a new idea, thought or experience to enjoy. Today, share images, art, ideas, designs, tips, facilitations, building strategies, ideas from your book, poems, teachings, etc.

Today’s Experience:

image of shadows on the labyrinth

A fun way to walk the labyrinth, is to walk with your shadow. On this Ground Hog’s Day experience, walking in the early morning or afternoon can walk inside the shadow at some point and outside it at others. As the shadow can represent, larger perspectives than we might normally not see, or smaller ones of a different angles, experiment with where and when your shadow appears.

In the spirit of love, play with your shadow and discover where it might represent the longer views of what you love to be, do or experience as you walk. Imagine the Ground hog’s custom of seeing the shadow as an interpretation of where the love flows freely as if an enormous reflection on the labyrinth and where you might be in search of it should the absence be noted.

You can always position a labyrinth cut out overhead and let the sunlight project its shadow to finger walk, or if the shadow is large enough, you can physically walk it. A very different perspective.


Shared by:
L. Tourloukis
365 Experience

Image by: L. Tourloukis


image of the February 2019 Banner of Love for the TLS 365 Experience by LTourloukis

February: A Month of Love

If we are going to collaborate, contribute and care in a mutually beneficial way, it reasons that a month of love tucked into our year would bring out what we love, why we love it, how we love it, when we do and where we might focus that energy.  In this month the contributions you become aware of can be shared to walk in the steps of what calls our heart to action. As we walk toward walking the world with others, taking steps to realize our own relationship with love will assist us in how and what we are, what we offer and what we contribute.

  1.  Explore steps of love in simple walks personally or professionally in the days of this magical month.
  2.  Become aware of the things you love, the people and what becomes relative when love is the focus.
  3.  Walk, design, teach, build, and share the love expressed in sharing an experience this month of current experiences or past that are related to the focus of love.
  4. This experience moves forward because of your sharing and caring, thank you!
Categories: The Daily Experience | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Walk of Love

Day 32

February 1, 2019
Month of Love
Quarter of Consciousness
Let’s Walk the World, a focus of contribution

  1. For Your Walk:
    Do a love meditation with love as the focus before you begin your walk and after you complete it.
  2. For Your Experience: 
    Observe the ways in which you walk, notice, energize, and experience the affects.
  3. Share:   Share your message
    When we collectively offer the ways to begin, someone sees a new idea, thought or experience to enjoy. Today, share images, art, ideas, designs, tips, facilitations, building strategies, ideas from your book, poems, teachings, etc.

Today’s Experience:

the heart of the tree labyrinth design by theamusedmuse.comIf we are to walk the world with others, a look at love is a worthy walk to begin the month. It deepens our capacity to expand and extend ourselves into the wide sea of possibilities where love is concerned. There is love of what we do, who we are and why we do it to consider outside of our love for one another. There is love of our environment, our world and those who contribute along with us to make it a healthier and happier habitation.

The walk of the first of the month is always a great love in the magical qualities of the newness it creates. After a month of developing beginnings, the walk of love may be reflective and at the same time offer a direction the heart can happily follow. Light hearted steps become a way of the mornings experience. Curving and finding the outer edges of each path’s dimension. Somehow the uplifting of love energizes the center as if to step into the beating heart of the pulse of the world, all the while realizing the significance of the world’s pulse and my own.

Walking over to the great tree on the path away from the labyrinth, a reminder that the heart of this tree was found last year in the center of its structure and this design was inspired to place in its heart shaped opening.  It was an inspired discovery that inspired another discovery and today was a reflective remembrance that inspires a larger walk of love when shared with a visiting friend.

Shared by:
Lynda Tourloukis
365 Experience Coordinator

Image by: TheAmusedMuse.com


image of the February 2019 Banner of Love for the TLS 365 Experience by LTourloukis

February: A Month of Love

If we are going to collaborate, contribute and care in a mutually beneficial way, it reasons that a month of love tucked into our year would bring out what we love, why we love it, how we love it, when we do and where we might focus that energy.  In this month the contributions you become aware of can be shared to walk in the steps of what calls our heart to action. As we walk toward walking the world with others, taking steps to realize our own relationship with love will assist us in how and what we are, what we offer and what we contribute.

  1.  Explore steps of love in simple walks personally or professionally in the days of this magical month.
  2.  Become aware of the things you love, the people and what becomes relative when love is the focus.
  3.  Walk, design, teach, build, and share the love expressed in sharing an experience this month of current experiences or past that are related to the focus of love.
  4. This experience moves forward because of your sharing and caring, thank you!
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